The Top 10 SEO Mistakes – Part 3

The Top 10 SEO Mistakes – Part 3

And here we are finishing up this quick little series. I’ve broken it up into three videos, just to make it a little bit easier for people to get through, because hey, who’s got fifteen or thirty minutes to sit around and watch a video. I know I don’t. Number eight: Not doing correct keyword research. I haven’t got the word correct in there, but truly, that is what we’re talking about here. I’m not talking about coming up a couple of dozen key words.

“Hey buddy, got me a couple a dozen key words, going to go find myself some traffic.” No, I’m talking about starting with a couple of dozen keywords and then expanding those keywords, using Google’s keywords research tools and there are a number of them. Using them correctly to refine and define, exactly what keywords you should be targeting, on your website for search for customers to find you. In a simple nutshell it comes down to this.

It’s not based on what you think customers are looking for. It’s based on what they actually are looking for. You see, they don’t want to find you the way you think. They want to find you the way they think and Google’s keyword research tools can help you learn and understand that. It is as the picture suggests; the keys to the city. It will show you how to win. Here’s the thing. With good correct and optimized keyword research, you’re going to increase your chances of success online to about 98%. Without it, you’re probably around the 15% maybe 20% chance of success, it is that important, this vital, vital stuff.

Number nine: Go fetch. Go, go Google bot, not making your content crawlable. Hello, this is how do I say the dumbest mistake that most people make and this isn’t coming from me. This comes from Matt Cutts, Google’s go-to guy. He said, “This is the most common mistake that he sees,” not making a site content crawl-able. It’s a simple mistake. A robots.txt file, T-X-T is on your website, or I hope should be on your website. And it tells Google and the other search bots where it can and where they can’t go on your website, what content to look at and index, basically.

on-page-seo techniquesSometimes it’s been there, and it’s been there so long and content’s been changed on your website, it’s a simple mistake and no longer can Google bot get through. Well, it needs to. So you need to check your robots.txt file, and if you don’t understand it, get someone who does to check it out and make sure your content is crawl-able. How do you know if there is a mistake? Gave you the hint in the previous video, how do you know? Google Webmaster tools, Google will send you a message, “Hi, guess what we’ve got a problem with your website.” Well, that’ll be good stuff to know. Good news is, this a simple, simple fix. Okay, very, very important.

Number ten: Incorrect anchor text. This will sink the ship. Oh, that’s a bad pun, but this is important. Now for those of you who don’t know anchor text is the hyperlink. The word used in the hyperlink that little blue bit, usually blue that you click and it then takes you somewhere. That’s the clickable link. It says there clickable link text goes here. For example, let’s say, off the top of my head, you created a special report on dog grooming secrets. How to pet your poodle or whatever it is. You do go to dog grooming and you’ve got a special report, a PDF that you’d like people to download.

So you have, please download our special report, click here. Click here is probably the most common anchor text in the world or it could be “download now” something like that. When really, what you should have as the clickable text, you know you begin the sentence with, “Please download our,” and the link starts here, “Pet Grooming Secrets Special Report.” And that’s the link. It’s the hyperlink, the text, the anchor text that it’s linking.

webman-buildingNow here’s the thing, you don’t want to just use this for downloadable stuff. You want to make sure that the internal linking of your entire page talks about, not just your placer, your website has good links from page to page, good anchor text. In my workshops, one of the things that I teach is how to setup and how to design a good site structure.

And you do this by, not just having a good site map or the links across the top in your main menu. You do it by having the right anchor text on the right pages linking and pointing to the right pages. So you’ve got maybe about half a dozen pages on your site, they’re the most important pages. Then every other page pretty much, should be linking to them using appropriate anchor text, because that adds weight, value to those individual pages, one of the many things that we cover.

And that’s just a very quick sample of some of the things that you can learn, if you happen to stop by and get your hands on one of my workshops. Look if I may, please just a quick promotion here. Find out about my SEO workshops. Are you here in Australia? I run these at this point of time up and down the East coast at different times throughout the year. We will get you, hands on. You’ll have a computer in front of you or you can bring your own laptop and do it that way. Real time advice on your website, that’s the most important thing.

Look, you can see the link here directly below this video or stop by Check out my workshops link. I want to be able to help you. Show you how you can make measured, steady, and progressive improvements on your website, to get better results for your business. This is what I do. I love this stuff, and I want to help you love it too.

And the more results, the more success you get. It gets more exciting at the same time. So that’s it for these quick videos. The Top 10 search engine marketing and search engine optimization sins. Thank you so much for joining with me. I hope I will see you sometime face-to-face and can explain this and many more things to you, along the way. My name is Paul Barrs, signing off. I’ll talk to you again very soon. Bye-Bye.

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