Free Google Traffic Blueprint

Free Google Traffic Blueprint

This terrific guest post if from Brian Terry, developer of Outveo Outsourcing Software. Enjoy!

Is there possibly any hotter topic these days than “How do I get traffic from Google?” Well, for those who are still locked into the mindset that Google is the only traffic source out there, today’s guest post will help set the myths straight for you (it doesn’t get much easier than this!).

“Free Google Traffic BluePrint”…

Getting traffic from Google is easy when you know how.

Here are a few simple steps for you to follow…

Step 1:

  • You first need to target the right keywords.
  • Keep in mind that not all keywords are created equal.
  • Some keywords people use just to research, whilst others they’ll type in when they’re ready to buy.

Step 2:

  • Get the domain name with your target keyword either as a .com, .org or .net
  • It’s critical that your domain name starts with your keyword…

Step 3:

  • Install WordPress on your domain…

Step 4:

  • Once you have WordPress installed install these plugins…
  1. Platinum SEO Pack
  2. GoCodes
  3. Easy WP SEO

Step 5:

  • Change your WordPress permalink structure to: /%postname%/

Step 6:

  • Install a clean theme with lots of white space. I recommend and use WooThemes Canvas

Step 7:

  • On-page optimization…
  • Your websites home page should be optimized for the root keyword. This is the keyword phrase you found in your niche with the most searches.



Write a blog post on this subject optimizing it for that keyword phrase using the Easy WP SEO WordPress plugin.

Make this article post sticky so it remains at the top of your blogs home page.

  • Then write at least 6 other blog posts on your site with each one optimized for a more descriptive keyword phrase based on your root keyword phrase.

For example:

how to quit smoking cold turkey, how to quit smoking and not gain weight — (you get the idea).

Step 8:

Internal page linking…

  • Each blog post contains 2 text links back to the home page. One uses the keyword phrase how to quit smoking and the other link uses the keyword phrase for that page.
  • Repeat this process for all your blog post pages using your keyword phrases.

So there you have it.

It’s a simple blueprint to follow that works exceptionally well for low-competition keyword phrases.

When you’re targeting more competitive keywords you then need to focus on backlinking.

This involves getting links to your home page and internal pages from authority sites.

The links to each of your blog posts must always use the same anchor text as the keyword for the page being linked to.


BTW, if you really want to go great guns at this, I strongly suggest that you start looking at outsourcing; and the best outsourcing management software currently available is OutVeo.

– Paul