Getting Results From Blogging

Getting Results From Blogging

Today I have a quick tip for you to help you get better results with your blogging. Now blogging is something that we all should be doing, or at least, if not us, somebody else in the business or in the company to be blogging on our website, updating our website on a regular basis with fresh, relevant content to what our readers are looking for.

Here’s the thing. To be consistent in your blogging you need to be consistent in your blogging. But that’s not always an easy thing. It’s difficult to stay inspired. It’s difficult to always be motivated. It’s difficult to often know, “What should I write today?” Here’s a couple of tips to help you do exactly that.

First things first, make sure that you’ve given your blog a specific theme. You’re not just writing about anything, but about a thing, and that thing, of course, reflects what you do in your business, what your product is, or the service that you sell. When you’re setting your goals for how often you should or should not be writing for your blog, make sure that they are measurable. You are able to tell just how much time you spend on your blog versus how much time it takes to write. No point in spending three or four hours per article if you’re looking to fine tune for maximum results, if you’re only getting a small amount of traffic from that. So track and measure just how much time you spend writing for how much result you end up getting.

19trOf course, part of setting any goal is to make it attainable. Set yourself a goal and say, “I will write,” or “I will publish seven articles in the next seven days,” or something like that, just to get you started. Perhaps you don’t do seven in seven days. You write the 7, but publish them over 14 or 15 days. That’s okay. I always have four to five articles scheduled in advance to get me through the busy times. I know that I need to write two to three each week and then schedule them, one or two, perhaps three, each week. That content, of course, has to be relevant to my mission for my website, to the vision that I have for my customers to those products and services.

It’s important that you go back and check in and evaluate frequently, to check the results that you’re getting. For example, let’s say you have six primary categories. You write around those categories which you have defined as being relevant for your blog. But you find over time that three of those categories, perhaps four, aren’t generating as much interest as the other two or three. What should you do? Easy, write more for the two or three. You can check this by using Google Analytics. You can check this by looking at comments or likes and so on in Facebook, and on your blog itself.

But here’s the other thing. Not as many people comment as many do read. How do you know your visitors are engaging in your content? You ask them Ask them to do something. Create some kind of call to action, which is at least halfway through your blog post, and then again, at the end. You ask them to do something which is related to that particular post or that category topic. Maybe it’s to read another one. Therefore, in your analytics it will show up as someone who doesn’t just bounce in and bounce out.

Whatever it is you do, you must get creative. It is incredibly important to be consistent and follow your through line theme when publishing on your blog.

I hope this helps, at least as a starter. Give me a call or send me an email with any further questions. Perhaps I can help you with your blogging. Why not click through to my contact page on my website right now and see if I can help.

Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.