Thank you for Confirming your Payment Plan

thankyouThank you for confirming your payment plan.

Our system has now registered your payment and your accounts if not already will be set up shortly. From there, we’ll be in touch.

If you have any questions you can contact us via our contact form or by phone (details also on the contact page).


Paul Barrs

PS. Here’s a selection of our latest blog posts to help you grow your business further –




By Paul Barrs Good Morning! I’m saying ‘good morning’ because I want you to know what time it is. It’s essential to the success of this article that you begin reading it with that supposition in mind… yes, it is morning. I’m sitting out on my...

Google again unleashed the latest update known as “Exact Match Domain” on September 28th. Google’s senior engineer Matt Cutts has confirmed tweeting that Google will chase after sites with exact match domain that offer low quality content. Exact Match Domain generally refers to the website...

Simple answer, yes! This article comes from Penny at Ezine I”m one of probably thousands subscribed to their blog. Each few days I get great hints an tips to writing better content. It would be great for your business if you were to subscribe also....