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Paul Barrs

PS. Here’s a selection of our latest blog posts to help you grow your business further –




It's an interesting title, isn't it? Stop asking for help. Why on earth would I say that? Everything that I do, everything that I say so far this year and the year before and the ten before that are all about being helping people. Why...

Good morning, folks. Thanks for joining me this week for another edition of Internet Business Quick Tips. We're talking about SEO, seach engine optimisation, and what it is that you're paying for when you outsource this to some company or some person. There is a song,...

And here we are finishing up this quick little series. I've broken it up into three videos, just to make it a little bit easier for people to get through, because hey, who's got fifteen or thirty minutes to sit around and watch a video. I know I don't. Number eight: Not doing correct keyword research. I haven't got the word correct in there, but truly, that is what we're talking about here. I'm not talking about coming up a couple of dozen key words.

All right and so, we are back, and we're talking of duplicate content. This is duplicate content on your own page. Not like the last part of the last video, where we were talking about duplicate content on other people's pages. No, copy - paste that kind of thing, no. I'm talking about, if you use some kind of CMS system. I mean I use one. I use WordPress and WordPress has this really cool function, which is good for users who want to look into my archives or check out a particular category on related topics.

Today's video - "The Top Ten SEO Sins." Kind of feel that I should be getting the whip out and start flailing myself, because these are the things that we do wrong, sometimes without even realizing it, and look, this is just going to be a quick video.

Good morning, everyone. Hope you're having a fantastic day, a fantastic week, and an amazing month. In today's quick tip, I'd like to talk briefly about building sublists to help with e-mail marketing. It's a well-known fact that we must have a list of our...

Some people wonder why I and others charge so much for doing on-page SEO and keyword research. Firstly, it takes a bucket-load of time; but secondly, it must be done correctly. In this article I want to give you a brief outline of the different...