Author: Paul Barrs

We're all so focused on building backlinks and link building these days that it's easy to get carried away with the latest "whatever". I can only hope that as your marketing knowledge grows that you'll soon see that just because the sales letter is good...

As more and more people get online, more and more people are also getting scammed. These days it isn’t just the non-techie’s who are getting ripped off, it’s also the web-savvy. We ALL need to be more vigilant in helping our fellow web users know more...

Web business is so competitive these days. If you own a website or a blog-especially if you earn a living out of it- you can't just sit back and let your rivals take away your business. The math is easy, more traffic means more success....

These days when it comes to generating traffic the majority of “marketers” follow whatever shiny object seems to be leading the current trends. While these things can work their failure is made obvious by the fact that whenever a new ‘shiny object’ (latest trend) comes...

We’re always looking to improve a subscriber opt-in ratios aren’t we? I know I am, I’m sure you’re like more subscribers per X-visitors to your website as well. Subscribers are the life-blood of our business. Recently while I was looking for some hard data on...

In this article, you'll find 2 simple strategies to help you get started with your information based products to ensure that they'll sell like hotcakes online. #1 - Choose your niche wisely. The process would always start by choosing your niche. There are two things that...