Author: Paul Barrs

By Paul Barrs. Marketing and Maintenance. No matter how much the investment to have the website built, the *real* money comes in the marketing and maintenance; not that it’s all that much in one go, but here you and the client have an opportunity to build a...

By Paul Barrs. This is the final step of the ‘creation’ steps, and while most people who build websites for themselves are too easily apt to take the easier, shorter road, such should not happen here. Even though the planning of your website project is by far...

By Paul Barrs Although this area of your checklist is shorter than the others, it’s by no means any less important. In fact, if you make any errors in this stage of your ‘planning and structure’ they could hurt you down the track and probably cause...

By Paul Barrs So now that you’ve got all the basics down pat – it’s time to begin the actual “work”. In reality, you probably don’t need a checklist like this, but when it comes to dealing with customers and paying clients, using a checklist like...

Good morning. Good afternoon. Maybe I should even say good evening. Whatever time is it, wherever you are in the world right now, hello and welcome. Thank you so much for joining me for today's YouTube update. Merry Christmas. No, no, no that's not it. Wait....

By Paul Barrs There are many different what might be called ‘key elements’ when it comes to running a small business; and the only reason we need to be aware of them is because unlike the corporate world where teams of people sit around working on...

Your company website is your face to consumers-it is your online storefront and must be cared for from a presentation standpoint just as one would care for a brick and mortar storefront. Attention to detail is critical in ensuring that the consumer has a positive...